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We're all excited to get back into the classroom environment, but we all know we need to stay safe.  At Gujutots, we've taken the following steps to ensure our return to physical classes is as safe as possible for us and our kids.

Following advice from the Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) and Public Health England (PHE), as well as the local authority


* We have taken all reasonable steps to ensure the environment will be kept safe for those attending the classes by cleaning mats and props between classes and providing hand sanitiser


* The rooms will be kept well ventilated at all times


* You and your child are not required by law to wear a face covering, but please continue to do so if you so desire 


* If you or your child show any coronavirus symptoms within 14 days before attending a class, please refrain from attending class, and follow Public Health England guidelines.


* Only one adult is permitted to attend class with each child.


* Appropriate risk assessments have been carried out by the venue

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Covid secure

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